
Monday, February 14, 2011

New Nerf Series "Gear Up"

Barricade RV-10 with the new color scheme
On Urban Taggers, Nerf Mods and Reviews, and SGNERF have all posted extensive information about the new Nerf stuff that was announced at the toy fair, which is still taking place in NYC as of now.  These new repaints are part of the "Gear Up" series preparing for the new Nerf "Vortex" line of blasters that will begin coming out on 9/10/11.
the "Gear Up" series will include The Barricade, The Maverick-(this will be the 6th eiffin repaint of the Maverick..., The Raider and the Recon.  They will also come with special darts and will hit shelves August 1st.
My Opinion, These repaints are in pretty cool colors but come on, shame on you nerf for repainting blasters like this, make something new.  repainting guns most Nerf fans already have is not original, but then again we probably have over-expectations for Nerf this year because last year was their 40th anniversary and was their biggest year ever in new product releases.  

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